How the Government is restricting our access to safe home birth!

A fundamental human right is at risk of being taken away from all Australian women. The choice to birth, their own children, with their own bodies, in their own homes.

Even if home birth is not something you have ever or would ever consider for yourself, I hope that you can see this for the violation of human rights that it plainly is.

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Birth photography FAQ

It is a delicate operation. Birth is sacred and as birth photographer’s we know to honour this sacred intimate space and how to navigate the twists and turns that birth can throw at you.

A good birth photographer will make you feel safe, they will make you feel supported and at ease.

A good birth photographer isn’t just interested in getting good images for you, I mean that is what we are there for but ensuring you have the birth you want is paramount and comes first.

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The weight of expectation - How I coped with an unexpected pregnancy

You see, when you reach a certain age and you’ve ticked certain boxes like a good job, a stable relationship, maybe you’ve kept a pet or a good house plant alive for a solid amount of time, you’ve got a good family car etc. you are expected to be stoked at this life changing news. Except, not everyone is. I wasn’t.

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Men & partners - their place in the birth space.

Why is it okay for us females to demand choices and options but not okay for us to extend these same choices to our birthing partners? It doesn’t take away from your glorious feminine power by extending a little consideration towards your husband/partner…

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A Dad's perspective - Survival guide for fathers & birth partners

At 25 I was the first of my close friends to have the opportunity to welcome a baby into this world.

I was ready. I had already served two operational tours of duty in Afghanistan leading a team of men in the search of improvised explosives, how hard could this be?

I was sure the birth would be simple in comparison however, nothing in the world can prepare you for the experience of helping your loved one bring a new baby into this world.

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Our Journey - Loss, homebirth and a valuable lesson on regret...

"I was alone at an ultrasound, with no one to hold my hand, when the sonographer put his hand on my arm and simply said “I’m sorry…”, I thought, sorry for what? He said it as though there was only one outcome.

It was the most definitive answer I had been given my entire pregnancy, it just wasn’t the answer I was searching for."

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